Skeleton is one of the craziest and most attention-grabbing Olympic sports to watch. To think that these athletes are willing to jump on a small sled headfirst, and zoom down a frozen track at 80 miles per hour with forces up to 5 G’s, is mind-boggling.

When watching these athletes compete in this ridiculously dangerous sport, I can’t help but wonder why they would willingly subject themselves to the possibility of a major mishap. It’s overwhelming to think about what could happen to these guys while blasting down a Skeleton track at such outrageous speeds.

But as we sit on the couch worried about what might happen, they have already decided the risk is worth the thrill and excitement. They have put aside their fear of the potential happiness found in winning a gold medal.

If we’re not careful, we can have a similar approach to sin. We know the risks, consequences, and dangers, yet make our choice to sin anyway. We can easily focus on the thrill, excitement, and false belief that sin is going to bring us happiness.

Sadly, putting aside the risk and convincing ourselves that engaging in a particular sin is worth it, invites many problems into our lives. Whether diving on a sled toward an affair or substance addiction…or plunging down a track toward pornography or a dishonest business deal, we must take the danger and outcome of these decisions seriously.

We can’t buy into the lie that we’re invincible or we’ll get away with it or it’s going to replace an emptiness within, but face the fact we are setting ourselves up for future harm.

Proverbs 14:16 (in two translations) gives us insight for when we’re staring down an “ice track of sin”:

“A wise man suspects danger and cautiously avoids evil, but the fool is arrogant and careless” (AMP).

“The wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence” (NLT).

When we seek Jesus and remain committed to His ways, we’ll be filled with the wisdom His truth provides. We’ll see the dangers of sin, grab our “sled,” and go home.

The truth is, the abundant and thrilling life isn’t found when shooting down an “ice track of sin,” but rather in the eternal satisfaction available through Jesus.

I’m Bryce Johnson and you can unpack that!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I pray I would have wisdom and clearly identify the paths that lead to danger. I know there are consequences to sin, so please help me fight well against temptation. Thank you for Your grace, forgiveness, and redemption. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.