If you're like me, your favorite NFL team is no longer alive in the playoffs, but you still find teams to root for. Most neutral fans are pulling for the Lions and/or the Bills, and we would love to see those two teams meet in the Super Bowl.
Both teams' fan bases are loyal and hungry for a Super Bowl, especially considering their history. The Lions have never played in the big game, and the Bills remarkably lost four in a row from 1991 to 1994, and they haven't been back since.
If these two teams meet in the Super Bowl, it would be the first time since 2000 (Rams vs. Titans) that both franchises are playing for their first Super Bowl win.
I have good friends who are Bills and Lions fans. I know how passionate they are about their favorite team and how they've endured challenging seasons. As fans, they have suffered, and it would be awesome to see them overcome that Super Bowl hurdle.
My favorite team (the Panthers) might not be playing right now, but I join my friends in cheering for their team to get the breakthrough they've been waiting for. I'd be happy for the Lions or Bills and their fans to experience the joy of winning the Super Bowl.
Usually, as fans, we are just focused on our favorite team and want our own victories, but it's nice when there is another fan base we can support and join in on their hope of championship aspirations.
Similarly, we, as followers of Jesus, have the opportunity to join someone else in prayer so that they can experience a breakthrough, get over a hurdle, or encounter healing.
It is a privilege to come alongside someone, pray for them, root for them, and do what we can to support them. Especially for the people in our lives who don't know Jesus, we want to pray that they will taste the victory found in Him for the first time.
We might passionately want something for Lions and Bills fans, but we should ask ourselves: Do we passionately desire others to know God, repent, be saved, and embrace His love?
The Apostle Paul in Romans 10:1 (NLT) shared his heart by writing, "Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved."
He also writes to a different audience explaining another prayer in Colossians 1:9 (ESV): "And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding…"
Are we intentional about faithfully seeking God and praying for others? Do we demonstrate our love for people by praying for them, especially their spiritual needs and breakthroughs? Are we cheering them on, joining them in their hope, and genuinely happy when they win?
We can hope to see the Lions or Bills win, and if they do, we can experience the excitement too! Similarly, while praying for someone else, we have the opportunity to change.
Job experienced this, as we're told in Job 42:10 (CSB): "After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and doubled his previous possessions."
Praying for others is powerful! Let's ask God who we need to pray for and support, ask our friends how we can join them in prayer, and then watch God move in their lives and ours as we experience breakthroughs.
I'm Bryce Johnson, and you can UNPACKÂ that!
PRAYER:Â Heavenly Father, please put the people on my heart for whom You want me to pray. I desire to see others know You and experience You. Help me to come alongside those who need help finding victory in You. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.