Every four years, countries both big and small come together to compete during the World Cup. It’s soccer’s biggest tournament and after a month of competing, only one team goes home as the champion.
On Sunday, France took down Croatia 4-2 to win its second World Cup in 20 years. With the world tuning in to watch, the finale proved to be thrilling, controversial, and intriguing.
Over the last few weeks, anticipation built game after game as fans either flocked to the host country (Russia) or gathered in their home countries to cheer on their teams.
Soccer fans are as crazy and passionate as any fan base, but the level of pride and excitement is especially evident with the World Cup win because the whole country is rooting for the same team.
Team France was filled with genuine happiness after their victory...and their ecstatic fans went nuts with screaming, cheering, hugging, and singing “We are the champions.”
According to Aljazeera.com, “More than 80,000 fans gathered at the foot of the Eiffel Tower in the French capital to watch the match, and as the final whistle sounded they erupted with joy.”
A fan named Yohann Lardiere told Al Jazeera, "For the last three years, we are used to living atrocious events in France. Today, it is amazing to be French and celebrate this joyous occasion."
Although elation and delight will last for a while following the euphoric scene of France's celebration, it's only a game and eventually, this level of passion will subside.
However, the exuberance exhibited by the fans in France provides us with a glimpse of the gladness and great pleasure experienced in heaven.
In the 15th chapter of Luke, Jesus shares three parables and the celebratory rejoicing that takes place over the return of the lost sheep and the lost coin, and the return of the prodigal son.
He goes on to explain in Luke 15:10 (AMP) that there is even more celebration after a sinner repents: "In the same way, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents .”
As sports fans, we love being reminded by France just how exhilarating it is to witness a team's triumph. But today, let's remember how eternally rewarding and satisfying it is when someone surrenders their life to Jesus.
As we begin a new week and anticipate the next exciting sporting event, let’s be even more mindful of the lasting joy and gratification experienced when even one person is redeemed.
Let’s be active and intentional in sharing the gospel with others and celebrating God’s grace with passion. I’m Bryce Johnson and you canunpack that!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I desire to see others know You and experience repentance. Please use me for Your glory and purposes. I thank you for giving me eternal life through Jesus. It’s in His name I pray, Amen.