Let’s admit it, as sports fans, we are a very impatient group. This is especially true when it comes to NFL fans. We either get frustrated when our new head coach doesn’t turn around the team quickly...annoyed when the rookie quarterback doesn’t dominate on day one...or restless when the big-time free agent/traded player doesn't become a difference maker right away.
Through the first five weeks of the season, some of the most impatient fan bases represent the Broncos, Packers, and Panthers. They've expected to see their teams playing better than they have been, they've wanted to win immediately, and they've believed their offenses needed to figure things out from the get-go.
The Denver Broncos came into this season with very high hopes that new head coach, Sean Payton, would turn the team around right away and quickly start winning games.
Last year their season was a disaster and fans expected they’d be much better than 1-4 through the first five games. Fans are especially frustrated about losing to the Jets and don’t have any patience for Russell Wilson and his key mistakes.
Meanwhile, Packers fans have had it good for a long time with quarterbacks, Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers, leading their team. Now their patience is being tested with Jordan Love in his first season as the starting quarterback.
They dropped to 2-3 after Monday night’s loss to the Raiders and fans have little tolerance for Love’s five total interceptions and only two TDs in the last two games. Fans are also having to wait to determine whether or not Jordan Love is the long-term answer at QB and it’s a challenge for them to patiently give him more time to figure it out.
Being a Panthers fan, myself included, isn't easy. We're on edge and very tired of waiting for our favorite team to get it together. We know we have a rookie quarterback and a new coaching staff, but it’s hard to be patient and continue to watch this team struggle.
I’ll admit, I’m impatiently wanting instant results, a high-powered offense, and more winning. We've seen other rookie QBs come in and make an immediate impact and we want to see Bryce Young do the same thing. Unfortunately, he’s off to a very slow start. The Panthers are 0-5 and we're irritated that it’s taking so long for the team to get a win this season.
The truth is, whether in sports or life, it’s very difficult to be patient. We easily get impatient throughout our day when people don’t do what we want them to do as quickly as we think they should.
We don’t like waiting, we show little tolerance for people who move slowly, and we want things our way without delay. How dare they take so long to respond to our email!
Our impatience also plays out when we’re quick to judge others for their mistakes or when we’re unwilling to show empathy, grace, understanding, or the benefit of the doubt.
We jump to conclusions without pausing and taking into consideration that things take time and people move at different paces. Often, there's a legitimate reason things aren’t clicking or coming together as quickly as we’d like.
Being impatient can affect many areas of life and we have to determine if that’s the kind of character trait we want to resemble. Do we really want to be the kind of person who's easily irritated, annoyed, angry, restless, agitated, and on edge?
Thankfully, as followers of Jesus, when we yield to the Spirit we become patient people. When we submit to Jesus and take on His character we are calm, composed, understanding, considerate, kind, and able to accept or tolerate delays and suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
It’s extremely difficult to do this in our own strength, so we must rely on the Holy Spirit to empower us to have patience. Galatians 5:22-23 (AMP) tells us, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love , joy, peace, patience , kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”
Paul implores us in Ephesians 4:1-2 (NLT), “Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.”
When thinking about impatient sports fans who are easily frustrated, annoyed, and on edge about their favorite teams, let’s consider whether or not we’re living this way from day to day.
Let’s remember that Jesus continues to be patient toward us with incredible grace. While looking to His character and example, let’s choose to be patient with others and the circumstances we face.
“So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy and well-beloved , put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience ...” (Colossians 3:12; AMP).
I’m Bryce Johnson, and you can UNPACK that!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, forgive me for my impatience with people. I confess I am often easily irritated and annoyed. I admit I want things my way and I want them to happen quickly. Please help me, Holy Spirit, to be patient, understanding, and grace-filled. Jesus, thank you for the patience You show me and help me do the same toward others. In Your name, Jesus, I pray, Amen.
1. What challenges your patience the most? 2. In what areas have you grown to be more patient toward others?