Every NFL owner has a unique motivation for aspiring to own a franchise, but it’s safe to say they all want to win - especially a Super Bowl.
Billionaire, David Tepper, who has had great success in the business world and bought the Carolina Panthers last year, is no exception.
On ESPN.com there's a headline that sums up his winning mentality: “Panthers Owner David Tepper, Frustrated By Latest Loss, Says He Won’t Accept Long-Term Mediocrity.”
Unfortunately, the Panthers had a brutal 29-3 loss to Atlanta on Sunday at home and their record now stands at 5-5. Of course, their starting quarterback, Cam Newton, has missed most of the season, but even so, there's been an expectation that the team would still fight for a playoff spot.
The Panthers are 13-14 since Tepper bought the franchise and ended the 2018 season with a 7-9 record. Tepper is looking to raise the standard for the Panthers and that may lead to some major changes.
It appears he's unwilling to settle for long-term mediocrity and will take the necessary steps to build an elite organization that doesn’t accept being average.
What about for me and for you? Do we have the mentality to not accept “long-term mediocrity” in our own lives? Or are we okay with being an average spouse or a decent parent or a fine worker? Do we settle for what’s easy and comfortable? Or do we take the necessary steps to be excellent and elite in all we do?
As followers of Jesus, since we are given access to the Creator of the universe and all of His power and strength, why would we accept mediocrity?
We must rely on Him to change our mentality and trust Him to maximize the gifts and skills He’s given us. After all, they're meant to be used for His glory and to serve the people He created, so we should give God our best.
The Bible encourages us with this in Colossians 3:23-24 (AMP): "Whatever you do , work from the soul , as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that it is from the Lord that you will receive the inheritance which is your reward. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.”
In response to God's greatness and out of a desire to please Him above all else, let’s live up to the challenge of being an awesome spouse, an excellent parent, and an elite worker.
Ephesians 6:7-8 (NIV) implores us to, “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.”
I’m Bryce Johnson and you can UNPACK that!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I desire to live a great and meaningful life according to Your will. I want to pursue what matters most to You and do it with all of my heart and soul. I need Your strength and power to be excellent and to maximize the gifts and opportunities You’ve given me. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Discussion Questions for PACKS:
What area of your life are you settling for "long-term mediocrity"?
What is one change you can make to pursue excellence and God's best in that area of your life?